Lješev Stup
Before the war
Vuk Lješevostupac
Vuk Raslapčević
Clan Kuzman
Wars before 1918
Resistance and KPJ
World War II
End of XX century

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Villagers of Lješev Stup



Villagers of Lješev Stup were peaceful and friendly. It is not remembered the case someone died or injured of the hand of a relative - clan member Popivoda. Fraternally shared good and bad, and it was more bad than good. Their common roots respected as sacred because "a mother can not bear all", and in the worst moments were together as one. All this can be said for relations Popivoda and Kuzman.

How they stick to blood connection can be seen by that never happened the marriage between the two members of the clan Popivoda. Although from a legal point of view it was possible long ago, it never happened. On the contrary, it would would be considered as a shame and sin on blood relationship, which is a rare case in families where the common ancestor is ten generations backwards. Firm unity and brotherly feeling are preserved until today, and we believe it will continue to transmit to future generations  and nurture as the moral value of spatial importance.

Villagers of Lješev Stup did not ever come into conflict with neighbours, but once with clan Abramovic, from Prediš. It was about 1800, when due to some disputes and quarrels Abramovići burnt Lješev Stup. They were more numerous, and therefore stronger, and they decided on this unusual step. Lješevostupci felt partly to blame for this dispute, and they forgave Abramovići: prudence prevailed, and reconciliation is to come quickly. Never had it bad reflection on the relations between the two clans, and later mentioned only in jest, and good relations between confirmed by numerous god-parenting. Otherwise, with all other neighbours: Čevljani, Velestovci, Barjamovičani, Tomici, Malošdoljci and Predišani they always lived in reasonable harmony and understanding.

While in Montenegro long ruled by customary law feud "the blood revenge", and were also frequent cases of emigration because of "the blood", Lješevostupci never had such trouble. They did not abuse courage, nor it manifested in a negative way, but they held the principle that virtue is courage that befits a man ( "Courage in a man smells good, and on the brute stinks"). Of course, never everything is perfect and without fault but they had no serious conflict or  incidents.  

Popivoda were unusually devoted to their village, and did not to migrated until the early 20th century. They were born and died in Lješev Stup, until they started going to work in America (the 1904.), and later emigrating as the colonists in Metohija and Vojvodina.

Have not sought much better, and they did not have any such possibilities. For generations they went to  war, like all their neighbours near and far, aware that are going to death, knowing that they can only preserve what we have, and never get more. Fathers knew well, that their sons and grandchildren will not get anything better than them, and again - they never stoped being optimists. They played gusle ("If you don't hear gusle in the house, you know that that house is dead"), organized dances and meetings, finding ways to "turn the worry to joy". They were characterized by what says Simo Šobajić "From gusle (Montenegrin) was catching examples of which stronger heart and soul ... Through the gusle, he simply kissed with a history ... gusle (were) home education ... the whole lifetime pass in dreams to over-patriotic Montenegrin. Gusle were excluded from mourning so they played gusle in most difficult and sad situations, a good minstrel were valued and happily received. Except gusle, the only musical instrument were - diple (double pipe). They danced just Montenegrin dance - the other dance almost did not know.

Anyway, the people here spent most of life in mourning because fate and deaths were often, and every clan member was mourned with such consideration. If it happens "the excavation of the house", if they lose the only male heir - then mourned very long time. There were cases that someone grows old and never sang a song. Girls during sheep keeping or travelling to the market, instead of singing, were practicing mourning songs even they have not been in mourning, so that later, as the dirge mourn for they relatives or tribesmen.

Endless struggle with poverty and uncertainty of their next day, made them restrained, modest and silent people, but people of strong will, persistent - and eternal optimist. These features have enabled the people of this region to live in dignity and survive a huge trouble, with great effort, sacrifice and constant as persistent poverty, which were followed from birth to death.